Vashon Island’s
    Number One export
    is garbage.

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    From basic recycling,
    to food and yard waste dropoffs,
    to evolving technologies
    like biochar — there are
    many paths to Zero Waste.

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    Home composting!
    Recycling! Writing letters
    and making donations!
    Bonus: It’s fun!

    Find out more

King County Moves Forward on Vashon Community Compost Facility

Zero Waste Vashon is pleased to announce that the King County Council has allocated $3,006,102.00 to establish a Community Compost Facility on Vashon.  This commitment to the project comes after successful completion of a two-part Feasibility Study, a Site Analysis, a Community Survey and a public meeting. The project, headed by the King County Solid Waste Division, is to build an organics processing facility in partnership with a third-party operator to be determined by RFP (Request for Proposal). The multi-phase project will include permitting, design and construction.  Zero Waste Vashon has worked closely with KCSWD over the 5 years that this project has been in development and will continue to serve as the community partner to the County as it moves forward. Check out this page for latest updates.

Zero Waste Vashon (ZWV) is a group of Vashon Island neighbors working in partnership with King County to make our island a model green community by finding practical ways to recycle our waste stream into useful products. Working toward a zero-waste future, we can have revitalized soils, cleaner water, cleaner air, and locally sourced energy.

The donation button accepts Credit and Debit cards as well as PayPal.

Vashon Recycling Info

While you are here, check out the What Do I Do With Guide

Styro Alert! The Styrofoam & Plastics Recycling event has ended. Go to the Styro Recycle page for further details and new options. 

Checkout the 2025 legislative agenda on plastics and waste

Zero Waste Washington legislative work

*** We have big plans for the future***
Here’s what we have in the works!
• The Feasibility Study for a Vashon Island Compost Facility is now completed. Report posted.
• ZWV is working with KCSWD and Waste Connections to bring organics collection (third bin) to residences and businesses.
• Building community awareness of Single-Use Plastics. Providing research for island restaurants on compostable options.
• Exploring the opportunities for a reuse facility on island.
• Providing advice and assistance on Zero Waste practices for upcoming Island events
• Electronics Collection & Recycling Event
• Working with KCSWD to bring styrofoam recycling to the Vashon Transfer Station.
• Collaborating on the construction & installation of new Waste & Recycling stations for uptown Vashon – Finished!
• Awarding College scholarships for high school seniors intending to pursue environmental studies
• Educating our students, our community, and ourselves on better ways to turn island waste into a resource.


Choose Plastic Free  Can I avoid plastic packaging? Is it a non petroleum product?  Are there alternatives? Can I reuse or repurpose what I already have? Do I need it? Choose Plastic Free wants to make Islanders think before they purchase. 

When at all possible, reuse those paper and plastic bags. Find another purpose for plastic containers. If that is impossible, buy less of that product and consider buying something with less of no packaging. Shop for items that are packaged in highly recyclable materials.

Learn more about composting at home with this handy guide and tips.